Kungani ukhethe i-granite esikhundleni sensimbi yokunemba i-granite ye-semiconductor kanye nemikhiqizo yezimboni yelanga

UGranite ubelokhu ekhethwa oyikhethile yokuthola izinto ezinembile ku-semiconductor kanye nezimboni zelanga. Lokhu kukhethwa kuqhutshwa yizakhiwo eziyingqayizivele ze-granite, ezenza ilungele ukusetshenziswa kuzicelo eziphezulu. In this article, we will explore why granite is a better option than metal for precision granite in the semiconductor and solar industries.

In addition to its durability, granite also has a low coefficient of thermal expansion. This means that it is less likely to expand or contract under different temperature conditions. Kuhlelo lokusebenza lokunemba lapho ukuhlukahluka okuncane kokushisa kungathinta ukunemba, i-granite ihlinzeka indawo eqinile futhi ethembekile ukuze isebenze. Izinsimbi, ngakolunye uhlangothi, zinwebeka futhi zinenkontileka ngokumangazayo ngaphansi kwezinguquko zokushisa, ezingaholela ekutheni zinganele ezihlolweni zokunemba.

Ngaphezu kwalokho, i-Granite ayinazibuthe, okuwukucatshangelwa okubucayi ku-semiconductor kanye nezimboni zelanga lapho ukuphazamiseka kazibuthe kungadala ukungasebenzi kahle. As a result, granite is frequently used in clean room environments where there is a high level of sensitivity to magnetic fields. Metals, on the other hand, are often magnetic and can interfere with precision equipment that is employed in these industries.

In conclusion, precision granite surfaces have become an integral component of high-tech applications in the semiconductor and solar industries. Ngenkathi insimbi ingahle ibonakale iyindlela ekhangayo, izimfanelo eziyingqayizivele kanye nezinzuzo granite zinikezwa kude noma yiziphi izinzuzo okungenzeka zibe nazo. Ukuqina kwayo, ukuzinza okushisayo, izakhiwo ezingezona ezibuthe, ukudliwa kwamandla, ubungako obuphezulu, nokukhalaza ngobuhle kungenza kube yisinqumo esihle sokunemba kwe-granite application.

I-Precision Granite41

Isikhathi Seposi: Jan-11-2024